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Career Highlights


  • Organized several investment forums for more than twenty (20) African countries.
  • Facilitated transactions between the United States Department of Commerce and African countries.
  • International Consulting: SME Development, Value Chain Development, Contract Review/Development, Project Financing, Project Management, and Monitoring and Evaluation.
  • Supervised an average of 60-member team staff, depending on the project.
  • Facilitation of vessel procurement, financing, and documentation.


  • At the Centre for U.S. Immigration Services, I have been the director since 2014 till date, expert on a wide range of immigration issues, from labor certification to deportation defense, to employment and business visas.
  • Legal Adviser, International Multiracial Shared Cultural Organization (IMSCO), Category II NGO under the United Nations: 1994 to 2001
  • Focus on Millennium Development Goals.
  • Representation of clients at the port of New Orleans.
  • Expert Opinion on U.S. Maritime Law before Panama Maritime Court.


  • Provided consultancy services at the UN Economic and Social Council, New York.
  • Managing Director, African Chamber of Commerce: 1994 to 1997.
  • Liaised with the World Trade Centre on African-related trade interests.
  • Liaised with African missions in the United States.
  • Principal Consultant to Northern Tanker Oy of Helsinki, Finland.
  • Participated in the design of the proposed Port of Southeast Louisiana.


  • Board member of the Imudia Foundation, a non-profit organization that focuses on bringing sustainable healthcare and education to the most vulnerable people in Africa.
  • Worked with the U.S. Congress on the Development of African Growth and Opportunity Act during President Bill Clinton's era.
  • Advise investors on Vessel Financing through the U.S. Maritime Administration.